Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daughter's Tonsil/Adenoid Removal

My daughter went in for surgery today to have her tonsil and adenoids removed, I'm watching by grandbabies. We went for a short walk with Bonny when we came back the boys fed the fish and turtles. I made them lunch and we made some beaded necklaces. Watched some TV. Mom's surgery went well and mom, dad and pop should be home around 4 or 4:30.  I'm spending the night at her house in case she needs anything as her husband has to go to work tomorrow.

As for my knitting I had to frog a few rows and make an adjustment to my pattern to enable for a salvage st.  After this adjustment I should be OK, I hope. I'm not sure how much knitting I'll actually get as I will be babysitter/nurse mom.

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