Monday, February 22, 2010

Chart Finished

Woke up to snow this morning, but then the sun came out and the snow melted. But there is still snow on the distant mountains. The red rocks look great with the white snow on them.

Well I didn't get any knitting done today. I've been working on a chart for a new shawl. Now that I'm finished with the chart all I have to do is find some time to swatch it and knit it. Not to mention finding yarn that I want to use. I have some cashmere that needs dying which I may use. The question is do I dye it before or after I knit the shawl. Decisions, decisions what to do. The upside of knitting first and dying later I will only dye the amount needed for the shawl. The downside of dying first, since I don't know how much yarn I will need to finish for the shawl.

Well at least the most time consuming part of the job is finished next comes the fun part of actually knitting the shawl and see it come alive as I envision it in my head.

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